Google custom search in a powerful tool many don’t know about or utilize

Chris Vaccaro
2 min readSep 30, 2017


I have a problem…. well, I had a problem. The solution to said problem will be what we’re discussing in this post. See, while doing research, there are a only a handful of sources I find trustworthy.

For example, recently I’ve been reading up on the science of intuition and how we can utilize it more powerfully but many of the top results weren’t very credible scientifically. Non-scientific sources likelike, Mindbodygreen, and a number of articles from content mills written by authors with exactly zero expertise or credentials in the area.

So how can I solve this? How can I read the lastest scientific studies regarding intuition and only get results from sources I trust.

I have two specific search engines I created. The first for primary sources. Things like rigerous scientific studies, academic journals and raw data. Places like JSTOR, Researchgate, Pubmed, etc.

The next searches more consumer-ready scientifically credible secondary sources. Sites like Scientific American, Smithsonian, Medical Daily, etc.

How to make your own?

Simply go to

Setup is pretty self explainitory. You just include domains you want results from and exclude the rest. Google will onky search the specified sites. Then they’ll give you a custom URL for you to use or share.

if you want to try to try my custom search it’s here:

That’s all there is to it!

This is my criteria for finding scientific studies:

if you want to try to try my custom search for studies it’s here:

I think you’ll really like this tip!



Chris Vaccaro
Chris Vaccaro

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